OOPS Australia Has River On Fire Problem | Watch Dramatic Footage


Shocking video of Australian river on fire went viral after New South Wales Greens MP used kitchen lighter to ignite the fire on the Condamine river.

Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham uploaded dramatic footage on his website and social media accounts to highlight his party’s concerns about dangers of fracking and the extraction of coal seam gas. He was lucky enough that the methane explosion was small but shocking enough to pop our eyes out, Mr Jeremy can be seen jumping up in shock, exclaiming: “Holy f***! Unbelievable – a river on fire!”

According to locals since the year 2012, so much gas is bubbling up in Condamine river, which is a part of Murray-Darling Basin, due to the Fracking activity and wells owned by Origin Energy, QGC and Arrow Energy, that they fear for the lives of people in that area.

Mr Jeremy, who specially travelled to film the video for his political campaign, didn’t expect that he might be literally cheating death. And one thing got clear after the river on fire video that fracking issue is real and need to be addressed urgently.

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